[Skate] Happy new year!
'Brynjar Haarberg' brynjar.haarberg@haugnett.no [Speed_skating]
2016-12-31 22:17:12 UTC
Was 2016 the very last year for this proud speedskating discussion group...?

I hope not, cause there is not any real good replacement around, is there?

But if you want this group to stay, you have to use it, don't you. So perhaps that could be a new year's resolution for 2017 ?!

Anyway, feel free to check out this year's last ranking lists from me:


and men

No changes at the top, but Miho Takagi now is at 6.spot ( a new national ranking record) - will she be a real contestant at the World Championships at Hamar....?

Happy new year from

B. Haarberg, Norway!
April Dawn aprilw@telusplanet.net [Speed_skating]
2017-01-01 02:28:09 UTC
Happy New Year!!

Best wishes for 2017 from the Walters' Family!

April D. Walters

> On Dec 31, 2016, at 3:17 PM, "'Brynjar Haarberg' ***@haugnett.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Was 2016 the very last year for this proud speedskating discussion group...?
> I hope not, cause there is not any real good replacement around, is there?
> But if you want this group to stay, you have to use it, don't you. So perhaps that could be a new year's resolution for 2017 ?!
> Anyway, feel free to check out this year's last ranking lists from me:
> ladies
> http://www.skoyteranking.net/45500108
> and men
> http://www.skoyteranking.net/45500113
> No changes at the top, but Miho Takagi now is at 6.spot ( a new national ranking record) - will she be a real contestant at the World Championships at Hamar....?
> Happy new year from
> B. Haarberg, Norway!
erbini@yahoo.com [Speed_skating]
2017-01-01 08:07:56 UTC

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Sunday, January 1, 2017 3:28 AM, "April Dawn ***@telusplanet.net [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Happy New Year!!
Best wishes for 2017 from the Walters' Family!

April D. Walters 
On Dec 31, 2016, at 3:17 PM, "'Brynjar Haarberg' ***@haugnett.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Was 2016 the very last year for this proud speedskating discussion group...?

I hope not, cause there is not any real good replacement around, is there?

But if you want this group to stay, you have to use it, don't you. So perhaps that could be a new year's resolution for 2017 ?!

Anyway, feel free to check out this year's last ranking lists from me:


and men

No changes at the top, but Miho Takagi now is at 6.spot ( a new national ranking record) - will she be a real contestant at the World Championships at Hamar....?

Happy new year from

B. Haarberg, Norway!

#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177 -- #yiv8960115177ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-mkp #yiv8960115177hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-mkp #yiv8960115177ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-mkp .yiv8960115177ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-mkp .yiv8960115177ad p {margin:0;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-mkp .yiv8960115177ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-sponsor #yiv8960115177ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-sponsor #yiv8960115177ygrp-lc #yiv8960115177hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-sponsor #yiv8960115177ygrp-lc .yiv8960115177ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv8960115177 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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv8960115177 div#yiv8960115177ygrp-mlmsg #yiv8960115177ygrp-msg p a span.yiv8960115177yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv8960115177 .yiv8960115177green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv8960115177 .yiv8960115177MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv8960115177 o {font-size:0;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv8960115177 .yiv8960115177replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv8960115177 #yiv8960115177ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, 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'Carool van Kesteren' caroolvk@hetnet.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-01 09:10:05 UTC
Same to you Brynjar, and to all other members of the list of course!

Met vriendelijke groet,
Carool van Kesteren

From: mailto:***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 11:17 PM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Skate] Happy new year!

Was 2016 the very last year for this proud speedskating discussion group...?

I hope not, cause there is not any real good replacement around, is there?

But if you want this group to stay, you have to use it, don't you. So perhaps that could be a new year's resolution for 2017 ?!

Anyway, feel free to check out this year's last ranking lists from me:


and men

No changes at the top, but Miho Takagi now is at 6.spot ( a new national ranking record) - will she be a real contestant at the World Championships at Hamar....?

Happy new year from

B. Haarberg, Norway!
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-01 13:15:42 UTC
Happy New Year!

I invite you hereby to the 2017 European Championship Prediction Championship, which is, if my records are correct, the 20th edition. Possibly there were precursors on the Uni-Koeln list, but not in the same format and not arranged or at least recorded by me.

To participate, predict the distance winners and times, the top 8 overall and the further 4 that you predict would qualify for the final distance if the rules had allowed it, which is not identical to the 9-12 overall list, where the points include the 500 m but not the longest distance.

You can predict the European Sprint Championship, too, if you wish. I will calculate points in the traditional system separately from the allround competition.

Predictions must be communicated to me before the first pair starts on Friday. You may change your predictions as many times as you like before that.

Here is an example prediction:

WÃŒst 39,28
WÃŒst 1.54,66
Sáblíková 4.01,31
Sáblíková 6.53,86

1. Sáblíková
2. WÃŒst
3. de Jong
4. Wijfje
5. Pechstein
6. Graf
7. Jurakova
8. Voronina

9. Njåtun
10. Czerwonka
11. Złotkowska
12. Kraus

Juskov 35,54
Juskov 1.45,05
Kramer 6.13,33
Kramer 12.55,15

1. Pedersen
2. Kramer
3. Roest
4. Swings
5. Blokhuijsen
6. Juskov
7. Henriksen
8. Giovannini

9. Szymański
10. Tumolero
11. Contin
12. Beckert

Good luck!

And by the way, I’d like to promote some statistical books of mine that may be of some help to you when you watch the championship or try to predict its outcome:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-03 13:06:02 UTC
Qualified skaters allround: http://static.isu.org/.../qualification-status-ladies-and...

And sprint: http://static.isu.org/.../qualification-status-ladies-and...

Final participants will be announced later.

And there is still time to order “Alt om skÞyter" if you want it before the championship. I am astonished that you can even think of witnessing one without it!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-03 13:11:44 UTC
This time with functional links:

Qualified skaters allround: http://static.isu.org/media/430084/qualification-status-ladies-and-men-allround-essc2017.pdf

And sprint: http://static.isu.org/media/430081/qualification-status-ladies-and-men-sprint-essc2017.pdf

Final participants will be announced later.

And there is still time to order the book if you want it before the championship. I am astonished that you can even think of witnessing one without it!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
erbini@yahoo.com [Speed_skating]
2017-01-03 15:59:51 UTC

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 2:11 PM, "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  This time with functional links:

Qualified skaters allround: http://static.isu.org/media/430084/qualification-status-ladies-and-men-allround-essc2017.pdf

And sprint: http://static.isu.org/media/430081/qualification-status-ladies-and-men-sprint-essc2017.pdf

Final participants will be announced later.

And there is still time to order the book if you want it before the championship. I am astonished that you can even think of witnessing one without it!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:

#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090 -- #yiv2646902090ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-mkp #yiv2646902090hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-mkp #yiv2646902090ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-mkp .yiv2646902090ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-mkp .yiv2646902090ad p {margin:0;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-mkp .yiv2646902090ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-sponsor #yiv2646902090ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-sponsor #yiv2646902090ygrp-lc #yiv2646902090hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-sponsor #yiv2646902090ygrp-lc .yiv2646902090ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2646902090 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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2646902090 div#yiv2646902090ygrp-mlmsg #yiv2646902090ygrp-msg p a span.yiv2646902090yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv2646902090 .yiv2646902090green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv2646902090 .yiv2646902090MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv2646902090 o {font-size:0;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv2646902090 .yiv2646902090replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px;font-family:Arial, helvetica, clean, 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{font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-sponsor #yiv2646902090ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv2646902090 #yiv2646902090ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv2646902090
bernardustukker@yahoo.com [Speed_skating]
2017-01-05 21:00:50 UTC
And here are my predictions:



1. Kramer
2. Swings
3. Pedersen
4. Blokhuijsen
5. de Vries
6. Giovannini
7. Yuskov
8. Szymanski

9. Henriksen
10. Niedzwiedzki
11. Mikhailov
12. Trofimov

Niedzwiedzki 36,42
Kramer 6.12,16
Yuskov 1.44,02
Kramer 12.53,59


1. WÃŒst
2. Sablikova
3. de Jong
4. Pechstein
5. Nauta
6. Yurakova
7. Graf
8. Czerwonka

9. Njatun
10. Zdrahalova
11. Lollabrigida
12. Wozniak

WÃŒst 39,55
Sablikova 4.01,37
WÃŒst 1.55,96
Sablikova 6.54,33



1. Nuis
2. Verbij
3. Murashov
4. N. Ihle
5. Lorentzen
6. Mulder
7. Poutala
8. Yesin
9. Klosinski
10. Golovatyuk
11. Koskela
12. Kazelin

Murashov 34,78
Nuis 1.08,95
Mulder 34,82
Verbij 1.08,54


1. ter Mors
2. Leenstra
3. Fatkulina
4. Herzog
5. Erbanova
6. Bokko
7. Hirschbichler
8. Shikhova
9. Lobysheva
10. de Neeling
11. Dufter
12. Ripsrud

Fatkulina 38,42
Leenstra 1.15,27
Fatkulina 38,60
ter Mors 1.15,02

Have a good championship,

Bert Steghuis
Håkon Mørk haakon.moerk@gmail.com [Speed_skating]
2017-01-06 11:12:15 UTC
Men allround

1 Kramer
2 Pedersen
3 Blokhuijsen
4 Swings
5 de Vries
6 Giovannini
7 Trofimov
8 Sinitsyn

9 Juskov
10 Niedzwiedzki
11 van der Poel
12 Henriksen

Juskov 36,26
Juskov 1.45,18
Kramer 6.19,16
Kramer 13.16,45

Women allround

1 Sábliková
2 WÃŒst
3 de Jong
4 Nauta
5 Graf
6 Pechstein
7 Woźniak
8 Yurakova

9 Lollobrigida
10 Czerwonka
11 Njåtun
12 Peeters

WÃŒst 39,34
WÃŒst 1.57,89
Sáblíková 4.02,56
Sáblíková 6.57,11

Men sprint

1 Verbij
2 Nuis
3 Murashov
4 R. Mulder
5 Yesin
6 N. Ihle
7 Lorentzen
8 Poutala
9 Kazelin
10 Michalski
11 Andersson
12 Nenzi

Murashov 34,89
Nuis 1.08,76
Murashov 34,91
Verbij 1.08,64

Women sprint

1 ter Mors
2 Leenstra
3 Fatkulina
4 Bittner-Herzog
5 Erbanová
6 Dufter
7 Shikhova
8 Lobysheva
9 de Neeling
10 BÞkko
11 Hirschbichler
12 Ripsrud

ter Mors 38,55
ter Mors 1.15,98
ter Mors 38,61
ter Mors 1.15,78


On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 2:15 PM, Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no
[Speed_skating] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Happy New Year!
> I invite you hereby to the 2017 European Championship Prediction
> Championship, which is, if my records are correct, the 20th edition.
> Possibly there were precursors on the Uni-Koeln list, but not in the same
> format and not arranged or at least recorded by me.
> To participate, predict the distance winners and times, the top 8 overall
> and the further 4 that you predict would qualify for the final distance if
> the rules had allowed it, which is not identical to the 9-12 overall list,
> where the points include the 500 m but not the longest distance.
> You can predict the European Sprint Championship, too, if you wish. I will
> calculate points in the traditional system separately from the allround
> competition.
> Predictions must be communicated to me before the first pair starts on
> Friday. You may change your predictions as many times as you like before
> that.
> Here is an example prediction:
> WÃŒst 39,28
> WÃŒst 1.54,66
> Sáblíková 4.01,31
> Sáblíková 6.53,86
> 1. Sáblíková
> 2. WÃŒst
> 3. de Jong
> 4. Wijfje
> 5. Pechstein
> 6. Graf
> 7. Jurakova
> 8. Voronina
> 9. Njåtun
> 10. Czerwonka
> 11. Złotkowska
> 12. Kraus
> Juskov 35,54
> Juskov 1.45,05
> Kramer 6.13,33
> Kramer 12.55,15
> 1. Pedersen
> 2. Kramer
> 3. Roest
> 4. Swings
> 5. Blokhuijsen
> 6. Juskov
> 7. Henriksen
> 8. Giovannini
> 9. Szymański
> 10. Tumolero
> 11. Contin
> 12. Beckert
> Good luck!
> And by the way, I’d like to promote some statistical books of mine that
> may be of some help to you when you watch the championship or try to
> predict its outcome:
> http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/AOS/AOS2017.shtml
> ------------------------------------
> Posted by: Lars Finsen <***@ortygia.no>
> ------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo Groups Links
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 08:18:53 UTC
The female 500 m was very easy to predict, evidently, and all 21 participants (if you don’t see yourself in the list below, please shout) except one had the right winner. The times were excellently predicted, too. Harm van den Belt and Nils Meland both had the correct time and win the distance with 7 points. 6 others had the time within 0.1 % and finish 3rd with 6 points.

1. Nils Meland.NOR 7
Harm van den Belt.NED 7
3. Lars Finsen.NOR 6
Carool van Kesteren.NED 6
Marcel Warnaar.NED 6
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 6
Rik van Kesteren.NED 6
Francis Stalpers.NED 6
9. Gerrit Stevens.NED 5
Tim Wolfkamp.NED 5
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 5
Dick Pluim.NED 5
Sybe van Hijum.NED 5
14. Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 4
Bert Steghuis.NED 4
Brigt BÞ.NOR 4
Arild Jensen.NOR 4
BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 4
Ivo van Bommel.NED 4
20. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 4
21. Trond Hanssen.NOR 4

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Allroundkampanjen: http://tinyurl.com/zks3yef
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 09:59:33 UTC
But women can be unpredictable, too, and only top performer Tim managed to predict the correct 3000 m winner. With a rare good time prediction, too, he wins the distance with 5 points. Brynjar Haarberg and Nils Meland were the only two others with good time predictions, and they share the silver with 3 points. Most others had 2.

Overall after day 1:

1. Nils Meland.NOR 10 (0 = no change)
Tim Wolfkamp.NED 10 (+8 = climbs 8 places)
3. Harm van den Belt.NED 8 (-2 = 2 places down)
Lars Finsen.NOR 8 (0)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 8 (0)
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 8 (0)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 8 (0)
8. Carool van Kesteren.NED 7 (-5)
Francis Stalpers.NED 7 (-5)
Gerrit Stevens.NED 7 (+1)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 7 (+1)
Sybe van Hijum.NED 7 (+1)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 7 (+6)
14. Dick Pluim.NED 6 (-5)
Bert Steghuis.NED 6 (0)
Brigt BÞ.NOR 6 (0)
Arild Jensen.NOR 6 (0)
BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 6 (0)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 6 (0)
20. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 4 (0)
Trond Hanssen.NOR 4 (0)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 17:57:28 UTC
Today’s first distance was pretty predictable, too. At least the winner was easy to predict. But the time was somewhat slower than expected. However, Francis Stalpers predicted it almost exact and wins the distance with 6 points. Carool van Kesteren, Tim Wolfkamp, Sybe van Hijum and Trond Hanssen share the silver with 5.

The 4 who would have qualified for the 5000 if the 12 skaters limit had been upheld are Zdráhalova, Woźniak, Curuś og Peeters, and their 1500 + 3000 times rank them as follows: 9. Woźniak 82,741, 10. Curuś 83,072, 11. Peeters 83,299 12. Zdráhalova 83,329. The 4 who do best with them are Carool, Harm, Arild, Jos and Rik, who all score 3 points. Several others score 2, and the overall points are as follows:

1. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 17 (0)
2. Nils Meland.NOR 16 (-1)
Francis Stalpers.NED 16 (+6)
4. Harm van den Belt.NED 15 (-1)
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 15 (-1)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 15 (-1)
Carool van Kesteren.NED 15 (+4)
8. Marcel Warnaar.NED 14 (-5)
Sybe van Hijum.NED 14 (0)
10. Gerrit Stevens.NED 13 (-2)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 13 (-2)
Arild Jensen.NOR 13 (+4)
13. Håkon MÞrk.NOR 12 (-5)
14. Bert Steghuis.NED 12 (0)
Brigt BÞ.NOR 12 (0)
16. Lars Finsen.NOR 11 (-7)
BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 11 (-2)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 11 (-2)
19. Dick Pluim.NED 10 (-5)
20. Trond Hanssen.NOR 9 (0)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 9 (0)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 19:42:35 UTC
Murasjov made the 2nd male 500 m sprint hard to predict. But Carool and Bert did well to pick Mulder as the only ones, and win the distance in 4 points. Harm took the bronze with a good time prediction and Verbij, scoring 3 points.

Overall after 3 sprint distances:

1. Håkon MÞrk.NOR 12 (0)
Bert Steghuis.NED 12 (+2)
3. Carool van Kesteren.NED 11 (+1)
4. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 10 (-2)
Harm van den Belt.NED 10 (0)
6. Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 9 (-2)
7. Marcel Warnaar.NED 8 (-3)
Nils Meland.NOR 8 (-3)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 8 (-3)
Dick Pluim.NED 8 (-3)
11. Gerrit Stevens.NED 7 (-7)
Brigt BÞ.NOR 7 (+1)
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 7 (+1)
Francis Stalpers.NED 7 (+1)
15. Ivo van Bommel.NED 6 (-3)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 6 (-3)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 20:12:26 UTC
Exactly half of the predictors favoured Fatkulina in the first female sprint distance, and with good time predictions, Gerrit, Marcel, Ivo, Nils, Rik and Francis share the gold. Overall after 4 sprint distances:

1. Bert Steghuis.NED 16 (0)
2. Håkon MÞrk.NOR 13 (-1)
Carool van Kesteren.NED 13 (+1)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 13 (+5)
Nils Meland.NOR 13 (+5)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 13 (+5)
7. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 12 (-3)
Harm van den Belt.NED 12 (-3)
Dick Pluim.NED 12 (0)
Gerrit Stevens.NED 12 (+4)
Francis Stalpers.NED 12 (+4)
12. Ivo van Bommel.NED 11 (+3)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 11 (-6)
14. Brigt BÞ.NOR 10 (-3)
15. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 10 (0)
16. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 9 (-5)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 20:38:47 UTC
Then the event we were all waiting for started, and a vast majority predicted Juskov to win the first distance. Knut Egil Gundersen however was brave enough to favour Henriksen, and wins the distance with a fair time prediction alongside Carool and Francis, who made excellent time predictions with Juskov as the winner:

Overall after the male 500 m:

1. Francis Stalpers.NED 20 (+1)
2. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 19 (-1)
Carool van Kesteren.NED 19 (+2)
4. Nils Meland.NOR 18 (-2)
Harm van den Belt.NED 18 (0)
6. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 17 (-2)
7. Rik van Kesteren.NED 16 (-3)
Sybe van Hijum.NED 16 (+1)
9. Marcel Warnaar.NED 15 (-1)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 15 (+1)
Arild Jensen.NOR 15 (+1)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 15 (+4)
13. Gerrit Stevens.NED 14 (-3)
Bert Steghuis.NED 14 (+1)
Brigt BÞ.NOR 14 (+1)
16. BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 13 (0)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 13 (0)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 13 (+4)
19. Lars Finsen.NOR 12 (-3)
20. Dick Pluim.NED 11 (-1)
21. Trond Hanssen.NOR 10 (-1)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-08 16:46:46 UTC
While Norway recovers from our national tragedy I will at least post the Ortygia results for the 1000 m, where almost everybody had the right winner, and Carool, Brigt and Jos, who had excellent time predictions, win the distance at 6 points. 7 others scored well with 5.

The overall positions were difficult to predict and I have recorded no sums over 20, mainly because you all agreed that Ter Mors was going to win. Erbanová wasn’t even fancied for a medal by most. The ones who scored best with 20 points were Brynjar Haarberg and Tim Wolfkamp, who was 2nd overall going into the 1000 m. And since Gerrit Stevens, overall leader by 1 point, only was one of the 6 predictors who managed 18 (along with Harm, Marcel, Nils, Rik and Francis), multi-champion Tim now also is the first Ortygia European Sprint Championship Prediction Champion. Congratulations!

GOLD. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 76 (+1)

Silver. Gerrit Stevens.NED 75 (-1)

bronze. Francis Stalpers.NED 73 (0)

4. Nils Meland.NOR 70 (4)
5. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 69 (-1)
6. Harm van den Belt.NED 67 (0)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 67 (0)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 67 (+2)
9. Carool van Kesteren.NED 66 (-1)
10. Bert Steghuis.NED 65 (-2)
11. Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 64 (+2)
12. Dick Pluim.NED 58 (-1)
13. Ivo van Bommel.NED 56 (-2)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 56 (+1)
15. Brigt BÞ.NOR 52 (0)
16. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 48 (-1)

Tim, I hope your winner’s speech pen isn’t dried out yet!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Tim Wolfkamp tim.wolfkamp@ziggo.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-08 19:23:35 UTC
Ha ha Lars,

I just feel like Erbanova, winning without (correctly predicting the female) winners on any distance.
It has been a long weekend. For me working and following the races at the same time. But at the end we saw some superb races,
bits of drama and the usual winners (eh
.meaning the skaters!)
Congrats to Carool, beating me in the Allround, and Gerrit I leave the worlds to you this year.
And Lars, as always your enthusiasm and moving to the final plot is great!

Hope you had a great time and see you later this season

On 08/01/17 17:46, "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

While Norway recovers from our national tragedy I will at least post the Ortygia results for the 1000 m, where almost everybody had the right winner, and Carool, Brigt and Jos, who had excellent time predictions, win the distance at 6 points. 7 others scored well with 5.

The overall positions were difficult to predict and I have recorded no sums over 20, mainly because you all agreed that Ter Mors was going to win. Erbanová wasn’t even fancied for a medal by most. The ones who scored best with 20 points were Brynjar Haarberg and Tim Wolfkamp, who was 2nd overall going into the 1000 m. And since Gerrit Stevens, overall leader by 1 point, only was one of the 6 predictors who managed 18 (along with Harm, Marcel, Nils, Rik and Francis), multi-champion Tim now also is the first Ortygia European Sprint Championship Prediction Champion. Congratulations!

GOLD. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 76 (+1)

Silver. Gerrit Stevens.NED 75 (-1)

bronze. Francis Stalpers.NED 73 (0)

4. Nils Meland.NOR 70 (4)
5. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 69 (-1)
6. Harm van den Belt.NED 67 (0)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 67 (0)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 67 (+2)
9. Carool van Kesteren.NED 66 (-1)
10. Bert Steghuis.NED 65 (-2)
11. Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 64 (+2)
12. Dick Pluim.NED 58 (-1)
13. Ivo van Bommel.NED 56 (-2)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 56 (+1)
15. Brigt BÞ.NOR 52 (0)
16. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 48 (-1)

Tim, I hope your winner’s speech pen isn’t dried out yet!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:

Posted by: Lars Finsen <***@ortygia.no>


Yahoo Groups Links
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-08 19:49:26 UTC
> 8. jan. 2017 kl. 20.23 skreiv Tim Wolfkamp ***@ziggo.nl [Speed_skating] <***@yahoogroups.com>:
> Ha ha Lars,
> I just feel like Erbanova, winning without (correctly predicting the female) winners on any distance.

Well, you predicted all the 1000 m winners right, male and female. But none of the 500 m winners in fact.

> It has been a long weekend. For me working and following the races at the same time. But at the end we saw some superb races,
> bits of drama and the usual winners (eh
.meaning the skaters!)
> Congrats to Carool, beating me in the Allround, and Gerrit I leave the worlds to you this year.
> And Lars, as always your enthusiasm and moving to the final plot is great!
> Hope you had a great time and see you later this season

Yes, it’s one of the topmost things of the year for me, as always, and it was a great time, except only when Sverre imploded like a supernova.

Let’s hope we and everyone else will do well in two months’ time and let’s prepare and enjoy ourselves in the meantime.

Best greetings,

from Redalsgrend, where H2O is a very abundant commodity...
Jos Kloppenborg jos.kloppenborg@ziggo.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-08 20:11:13 UTC
Or maybe rather like a red dwarf....


Op 8-1-2017 om 20:49 schreef Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no
> >, and it was a great time, except only when Sverre imploded like a
> supernova.
> .
'Gerrit Stevens' gerstenat@hetnet.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-08 20:02:44 UTC
After all Sverre should have been on the podium. Blokhuijsen escaped from a DQ.

Gerrit Stevens

From: Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2017 8:49 PM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Skate] The 2017 Ortygia European Championship Prediction Championship

Yes, it’s one of the topmost things of the year for me, as always, and it was a great time, except only when Sverre imploded like a supernova.

Let’s hope we and everyone else will do well in two months’ time and let’s prepare and enjoy ourselves in the meantime.

Best greetings,

from Redalsgrend, where H2O is a very abundant commodity...
'Carool van Kesteren' caroolvk@hetnet.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-09 09:23:15 UTC
Well done Tim!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Carool van Kesteren

From: mailto:***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2017 8:23 PM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Skate] The 2017 Ortygia European Championship Prediction Championship

Ha ha Lars,

I just feel like Erbanova, winning without (correctly predicting the female) winners on any distance.
It has been a long weekend. For me working and following the races at the same time. But at the end we saw some superb races,
bits of drama and the usual winners (eh
.meaning the skaters!)
Congrats to Carool, beating me in the Allround, and Gerrit I leave the worlds to you this year.
And Lars, as always your enthusiasm and moving to the final plot is great!

Hope you had a great time and see you later this season

On 08/01/17 17:46, "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

While Norway recovers from our national tragedy I will at least post the Ortygia results for the 1000 m, where almost everybody had the right winner, and Carool, Brigt and Jos, who had excellent time predictions, win the distance at 6 points. 7 others scored well with 5.

The overall positions were difficult to predict and I have recorded no sums over 20, mainly because you all agreed that Ter Mors was going to win. Erbanová wasn’t even fancied for a medal by most. The ones who scored best with 20 points were Brynjar Haarberg and Tim Wolfkamp, who was 2nd overall going into the 1000 m. And since Gerrit Stevens, overall leader by 1 point, only was one of the 6 predictors who managed 18 (along with Harm, Marcel, Nils, Rik and Francis), multi-champion Tim now also is the first Ortygia European Sprint Championship Prediction Champion. Congratulations!

GOLD. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 76 (+1)

Silver. Gerrit Stevens.NED 75 (-1)

bronze. Francis Stalpers.NED 73 (0)

4. Nils Meland.NOR 70 (4)
5. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 69 (-1)
6. Harm van den Belt.NED 67 (0)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 67 (0)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 67 (+2)
9. Carool van Kesteren.NED 66 (-1)
10. Bert Steghuis.NED 65 (-2)
11. Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 64 (+2)
12. Dick Pluim.NED 58 (-1)
13. Ivo van Bommel.NED 56 (-2)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 56 (+1)
15. Brigt BÞ.NOR 52 (0)
16. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 48 (-1)

Tim, I hope your winner’s speech pen isn’t dried out yet!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:

Posted by: Lars Finsen <***@ortygia.no>


Yahoo Groups Links

Met vriendelijke groet,
Carool van Kesteren
erbini@yahoo.com [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 21:06:38 UTC
Great, Thanks! 

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Saturday, January 7, 2017 9:38 PM, "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Then the event we were all waiting for started, and a vast majority predicted Juskov to win the first distance. Knut Egil Gundersen however was brave enough to favour Henriksen, and wins the distance with a fair time prediction alongside Carool and Francis, who made excellent time predictions with Juskov as the winner:

Overall after the male 500 m:

1. Francis Stalpers.NED 20 (+1)
2. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 19 (-1)
Carool van Kesteren.NED 19 (+2)
4. Nils Meland.NOR 18 (-2)
Harm van den Belt.NED 18 (0)
6. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 17 (-2)
7. Rik van Kesteren.NED 16 (-3)
Sybe van Hijum.NED 16 (+1)
9. Marcel Warnaar.NED 15 (-1)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 15 (+1)
Arild Jensen.NOR 15 (+1)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 15 (+4)
13. Gerrit Stevens.NED 14 (-3)
Bert Steghuis.NED 14 (+1)
Brigt BÞ.NOR 14 (+1)
16. BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 13 (0)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 13 (0)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 13 (+4)
19. Lars Finsen.NOR 12 (-3)
20. Dick Pluim.NED 11 (-1)
21. Trond Hanssen.NOR 10 (-1)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:

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erbini@yahoo.com [Speed_skating]
2017-01-09 21:15:59 UTC
Great, Thanks! 

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Monday, January 9, 2017 2:01 PM, "***@yahoo.com [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Great, Thanks! 

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Saturday, January 7, 2017 9:38 PM, "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Then the event we were all waiting for started, and a vast majority predicted Juskov to win the first distance. Knut Egil Gundersen however was brave enough to favour Henriksen, and wins the distance with a fair time prediction alongside Carool and Francis, who made excellent time predictions with Juskov as the winner:

Overall after the male 500 m:

1. Francis Stalpers.NED 20 (+1)
2. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 19 (-1)
Carool van Kesteren.NED 19 (+2)
4. Nils Meland.NOR 18 (-2)
Harm van den Belt.NED 18 (0)
6. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 17 (-2)
7. Rik van Kesteren.NED 16 (-3)
Sybe van Hijum.NED 16 (+1)
9. Marcel Warnaar.NED 15 (-1)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 15 (+1)
Arild Jensen.NOR 15 (+1)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 15 (+4)
13. Gerrit Stevens.NED 14 (-3)
Bert Steghuis.NED 14 (+1)
Brigt BÞ.NOR 14 (+1)
16. BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 13 (0)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 13 (0)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 13 (+4)
19. Lars Finsen.NOR 12 (-3)
20. Dick Pluim.NED 11 (-1)
21. Trond Hanssen.NOR 10 (-1)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:

#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997 -- #yiv0908675997ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-mkp #yiv0908675997hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-mkp #yiv0908675997ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-mkp .yiv0908675997ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-mkp .yiv0908675997ad p {margin:0;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-mkp .yiv0908675997ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-sponsor #yiv0908675997ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-sponsor #yiv0908675997ygrp-lc #yiv0908675997hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv0908675997 #yiv0908675997ygrp-sponsor #yiv0908675997ygrp-lc .yiv0908675997ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv0908675997 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Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 21:55:26 UTC
The predictions for the first female 1000 m were fairly monotonous, though two participants did take a chance with Leenstra. Times were mostly far too good, but Dick Pluim made an excellent prediction and wins the distance in 6 points. Brynjar Haaland and Gerrit Stevens made good predictions and share the silver with 5.

Bert’s big lead after the former distance is greatly reduced, but he still keeps it:

1. Bert Steghuis.NED 19 (0)
2. Dick Pluim.NED 18 (+5)
3. Håkon MÞrk.NOR 17 (-1)
Carool van Kesteren.NED 17 (-1)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 17 (-1)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 17 (-1)
Gerrit Stevens.NED 17 (+4)
8. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 16 (-1)
Harm van den Belt.NED 16 (-1)
Francis Stalpers.NED 16 (-1)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 16 (+4)
12. Nils Meland.NOR 15 (-10)
13. Ivo van Bommel.NED 15 (-1)
14. Brigt BÞ.NOR 14 (0)
15. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 13 (0)
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 13 (+1)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 21:26:47 UTC
Of course nobody were such noobs as to predict Sáblíková to lose the 5000 m. Excellent time predictions were handed in from Gerrit, Tim, Håkon and Knut Egil, who thus share the gold medal in the female 5000 m with 6 points. 6 others had 5 points.

The conclusion of the female European Championship meant that lot of points were to be distributed, and the Sáblíková/WÃŒst split in champion prediction made quite some difference. Best predictors were Carool and former winner Knut Egil with 29 points, both hitting the top 5 right. Maximum for top 8 is 36 points, so this is pretty good. Third is multiple former winner Gerrit with 28 points. Honourable mention also to Carool’s son Rik with 27, Harm with 26 and former winners Bert and Ivo with 25.

Overall points after the conclusion of the female championship:

1. Carool van Kesteren.NED 53 (+1)
2. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 49 (0)
3. Harm van den Belt.NED 48 (+1)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 48 (+4)
Gerrit Stevens.NED 48 (+10)
6. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 46 (+10)
7. Francis Stalpers.NED 45 (-6)
8. Nils Meland.NOR 43 (-4)
Bert Steghuis.NED 43 (+5)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 43 (+8)
11. Sybe van Hijum.NED 42 (-4)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 42 (-2)
13. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 41 (-7)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 41 (-4)
15. Arild Jensen.NOR 39 (-6)
16. Brigt BÞ.NOR 38 (-3)
17. Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 37 (-8)
18. Dick Pluim.NED 35 (+2)
19. Lars Finsen.NOR 32 (0)
20. BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 31 (-4)
21. Trond Hanssen.NOR 28 (-1)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-08 18:18:11 UTC
Everyone of course predicted the right winner in the 10000 m as well, and with good time predictions, Brynjar, Jos and Knut Egil win the distance with 5 points. 13 others have 4.

Brynjar predicted the male samalogs much better than the female and scored 27 points in the overall standings, getting the top 6 right. Of the rest, 4 guys scored 24, Bert, Arild, Jos and Nils. Carool regretted dropping Juskov from the 10000 m, but in fact his main rivals did the same, as well as other mistakes, and along with Marcel, Carool actually scored second best in the samalogs with 25 points, getting the top 6 right except switching Sverre and Douwe, and he wins his first Ortygia championship. 3 hurrahs for him!!!

Results of the 21st Ortygia European Championship Prediction Championship:

GOLD. Carool van Kesteren.NED 89 (0)

Silver. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 86 (0)

bronze. Rik van Kesteren.NED 84 (0)

4. Marcel Warnaar.NED 82 (+4)
5. Gerrit Stevens.NED 81 (-2)
Harm van den Belt.NED 81 (0)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 81 (+3)
Nils Meland.NOR 81 (+3)
9. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 80 (+3)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 80 (+6)
11. Bert Steghuis.NED 79 (0)
Francis Stalpers.NED 79 (-6)
13. Ivo van Bommel.NED 77 (-8)
14. Arild Jensen.NOR 75 (+1)
15. Sybe van Hijum.NED 74 (-2)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 74 (-2)
17. Brigt BÞ.NOR 73 (-2)
18. Dick Pluim.NED 66 (0)
19. BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 64 (+1)
20. Trond Hanssen.NOR 63 (+1)
21. Lars Finsen.NOR 55 (-2)

Winner’s speech requested!

The all-time medal table now is as follows:

Tim Wolfkamp.NED 7-5-2
Gerrit Stevens.NED 7-0-2
Marcel Warnaar.NED 3-6-4
Nils Meland.NOR 3-3-3
Bjarte Hetland.NOR 2-0-1
Kees de Vroege.NED 2-0-0
Lars Finsen.NOR 1-2-4
Arild Jensen.NOR 1-2-3
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 1-2-0
Tore Jan Narvestad.NOR 1-1-0
Erik van Leeuwen.NED 1-1-0
Dick Pluim.NED 1-1-0
Bert Steghuis.NED 1-1-0
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 1-0-1
Carool van Kesteren.NED 1-0-1
Adam Iwaniszyn.CAN 1-0-0
Maarten Mulder.NED 1-0-0
Tom Nieuwenstein.NED 1-0-0
Marcel 1-0-0 (Marcel Van Dieren? - the winner of worlds 2004)
Arnout Steenhoek.NED 1-0-0
Trond I Hovland.NOR 1-0-0
Nol Terwindt.NED 1-0-0
Ivo van Bommel.NED 1-0-0
Daniel 1-0-0
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 0-2-2
Joe Gier.USA 0-1-5
Annet F Lenderink.NED 0-1-1
Rik van Kesteren.NED 0-1-1
Eric Kraan.MEX 0-1-0
Christian L.GER 0-1-0
Kees van Vugt.NED 0-1-0
Gab Raaijmakers.NED 0-1-0
J Wiertz.NED 0-1-0
TB Hansen.NOR 0-1-0
Tom van Kleef.NED 0-1-0
Vidar Stenberg.NOR 0-1-0
Vincent Buskens.NED 0-0-1
Arnt Olaf Stillerud.NOR 0-0-1
Jeroen Heijmans.NED 0-0-1
Brigt BÞ.NOR 0-0-1
Patrick Kersten.NED 0-0-1
Harm van den Belt.NED 0-0-1
Erick Vogelzang.NED 0-0-1

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
'Carool van Kesteren' caroolvk@hetnet.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-09 08:23:43 UTC
I will prepare a modest speech, but for a start I am honoured to win this exclusive contest in a new thialf in the company of so many die hard and knowledgable speed skating fans. I am also very glad to share the podium with my son of whom I am very proud and love dearly. Not only because his knowledge of sports, and all forms of skating but because he is a formidable and loving friend of mine. It is always fun to beat him but one day he will succeed me on this prediction stage...I' m sure. Thanks Lars for organizing this and see you all with the world's championships again. Also Kees de Vroege!

Btw the real speech of 6 pages will follow later :-) in which i will reflect on the beauty of the 10 km , the mistake of carli, the resurrection of Jan blok, the hate of yuskow to feel the pain, the missing of koen verwey, the sorrow in Germany in allround, and many more hot topics

Met vriendelijke groet,
Carool van Kesteren

From: mailto:***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2017 7:18 PM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Skate] The 2017 Ortygia European Championship Prediction Championship

Everyone of course predicted the right winner in the 10000 m as well, and with good time predictions, Brynjar, Jos and Knut Egil win the distance with 5 points. 13 others have 4.

Brynjar predicted the male samalogs much better than the female and scored 27 points in the overall standings, getting the top 6 right. Of the rest, 4 guys scored 24, Bert, Arild, Jos and Nils. Carool regretted dropping Juskov from the 10000 m, but in fact his main rivals did the same, as well as other mistakes, and along with Marcel, Carool actually scored second best in the samalogs with 25 points, getting the top 6 right except switching Sverre and Douwe, and he wins his first Ortygia championship. 3 hurrahs for him!!!

Results of the 21st Ortygia European Championship Prediction Championship:

GOLD. Carool van Kesteren.NED 89 (0)

Silver. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 86 (0)

bronze. Rik van Kesteren.NED 84 (0)

4. Marcel Warnaar.NED 82 (+4)
5. Gerrit Stevens.NED 81 (-2)
Harm van den Belt.NED 81 (0)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 81 (+3)
Nils Meland.NOR 81 (+3)
9. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 80 (+3)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 80 (+6)
11. Bert Steghuis.NED 79 (0)
Francis Stalpers.NED 79 (-6)
13. Ivo van Bommel.NED 77 (-8)
14. Arild Jensen.NOR 75 (+1)
15. Sybe van Hijum.NED 74 (-2)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 74 (-2)
17. Brigt BÞ.NOR 73 (-2)
18. Dick Pluim.NED 66 (0)
19. BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 64 (+1)
20. Trond Hanssen.NOR 63 (+1)
21. Lars Finsen.NOR 55 (-2)

Winner’s speech requested!

The all-time medal table now is as follows:

Tim Wolfkamp.NED 7-5-2
Gerrit Stevens.NED 7-0-2
Marcel Warnaar.NED 3-6-4
Nils Meland.NOR 3-3-3
Bjarte Hetland.NOR 2-0-1
Kees de Vroege.NED 2-0-0
Lars Finsen.NOR 1-2-4
Arild Jensen.NOR 1-2-3
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 1-2-0
Tore Jan Narvestad.NOR 1-1-0
Erik van Leeuwen.NED 1-1-0
Dick Pluim.NED 1-1-0
Bert Steghuis.NED 1-1-0
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 1-0-1
Carool van Kesteren.NED 1-0-1
Adam Iwaniszyn.CAN 1-0-0
Maarten Mulder.NED 1-0-0
Tom Nieuwenstein.NED 1-0-0
Marcel 1-0-0 (Marcel Van Dieren? - the winner of worlds 2004)
Arnout Steenhoek.NED 1-0-0
Trond I Hovland.NOR 1-0-0
Nol Terwindt.NED 1-0-0
Ivo van Bommel.NED 1-0-0
Daniel 1-0-0
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 0-2-2
Joe Gier.USA 0-1-5
Annet F Lenderink.NED 0-1-1
Rik van Kesteren.NED 0-1-1
Eric Kraan.MEX 0-1-0
Christian L.GER 0-1-0
Kees van Vugt.NED 0-1-0
Gab Raaijmakers.NED 0-1-0
J Wiertz.NED 0-1-0
TB Hansen.NOR 0-1-0
Tom van Kleef.NED 0-1-0
Vidar Stenberg.NOR 0-1-0
Vincent Buskens.NED 0-0-1
Arnt Olaf Stillerud.NOR 0-0-1
Jeroen Heijmans.NED 0-0-1
Brigt BÞ.NOR 0-0-1
Patrick Kersten.NED 0-0-1
Harm van den Belt.NED 0-0-1
Erick Vogelzang.NED 0-0-1

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:

Met vriendelijke groet,
Carool van Kesteren
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 22:38:33 UTC
Most time predictions in the final distance of the men’s sprint championship were off, and thus it didn’t make so much difference. There is an 11-way tie for the distance win with the right winner and a fair time prediction.

The place scoring makes up quite a bit more difference, though, and top scorer here is former multiple winner Tim Wolfkamp with 28 points. He scored many points by getting skaters further down the list as well as having the top 2 right and Ihle in fourth place. Second best is Nils Meland, another former multiple winner, with 27, and third Gerrit Stevens and Jos Kloppenborg with 25. Honourable mention also to Harm van den Belt and Francis Stalpers with 24.

The race is hotting up:

1. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 48 (+7)
2. Gerrit Stevens.NED 46 (+1)
3. Harm van den Belt.NED 44 (+5)
Francis Stalpers.NED 44 (+5)
Nils Meland.NOR 44 (+9)
6. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 42 (+9)
7. Carool van Kesteren.NED 41 (-4)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 41 (-4)
9. Bert Steghuis.NED 40 (-8)
10. Marcel Warnaar.NED 39 (-7)
11. Dick Pluim.NED 37 (-9)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 37 (-8)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 37 (-3)
14. Ivo van Bommel.NED 36 (-1)
15. Brigt BÞ.NOR 32 (-1)
16. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 28 (-1)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-08 14:57:17 UTC
Juskov was predicted by an overwhelming majority in the 1500 m, but most overestimated the ice conditions. Brynjar Haarberg however predicted excellently and wins the distance with 6 points. 12 others share the silver with 4 points.

Now, the participants in the 10000 m are clear, and the ones who would have qualified if the limit were 12 but not now at 8, are Ghiotto, Niedźwiedzki, van der Poel and Tumolero. According to their 1500 and 5000 m times I am ranking them as follows: 9. Tumolero 75,131, 10. van der Poel 75,067, 11. Niedźwiedzki 76,232, and 12. Ghiotto 76,719. Tim and Marcel scored the most points with 3 for these men. 8 others scored 2.

Overall before the last distance of the Ortygia championship. Carool keeps the lead, but multi-champion Tim gets close. Look out for the other multi-champion Gerrit as well.

1. Carool van Kesteren.NED 61 (0)
2. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 60 (0)
3. Rik van Kesteren.NED 57 (0)
Gerrit Stevens.NED 57 (0)
5. Harm van den Belt.NED 54 (-2)
Francis Stalpers.NED 54 (+2)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 54 (+3)
8. Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 53 (-2)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 53 (+4)
Nils Meland.NOR 53 (+2)
11. Bert Steghuis.NED 52 (-3)
12. Jos Kloppenborg.NED 51 (+1)
13. Sybe van Hijum.NED 50 (-3)
Håkon MÞrk.NOR 50 (+1)
15. Arild Jensen.NOR 48 (0)
Brigt BÞ.NOR 48 (0)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 48 (+2)
18. Dick Pluim.NED 44 (0)
19. Lars Finsen.NOR 41 (0)
20. BjÞrn Hagen.NOR 40 (0)
21. Trond Hanssen.NOR 36 (0)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-08 13:04:46 UTC
The last 500 m of the championship was pretty well predicted with Gerrit, Francis and Knut Egil picking the right winner and having an excellent time prediction, scoring 6 points to win the distance. 4 others had 5 points.

Overall before the last distance of the sprint competition:

1. Gerrit Stevens.NED 52 (+1)
2. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 51 (-1)
3. Francis Stalpers.NED 50 (0)
4. Nils Meland.NOR 47 (-1)
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 47 (+2)
6. Harm van den Belt.NED 46 (-3)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 46 (+1)
8. Carool van Kesteren.NED 44 (-1)
Bert Steghuis.NED 44 (+1)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 44 (+2)
11. Dick Pluim.NED 41 (0)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 41 (+3)
13. Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 40 (-2)
14. Håkon MÞrk.NOR 39 (+3)
15. Brigt BÞ.NOR 34 (0)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 34 (+1)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 09:40:46 UTC
The men as usual are more unpredictable, and in the men’s first sprint 500 m, only veteran prediction champion Tim Wolfkamp had the right winner. He wins the distance with 5 points. HÃ¥kon MÞrk, who had an excellent time prediction, wins silver in 4 and 3 others with good predictions share the bronze in 3 points.

1. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 5
2. Håkon MÞrk.NOR 4
3. Carool van Kesteren.NED 3
Harm van den Belt.NED 3
Bert Steghuis.NED 3
6. Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 2
Gerrit Stevens.NED 2
Brigt BÞ.NOR 2
Marcel Warnaar.NED 2
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 2
Ivo van Bommel.NED 2
Nils Meland.NOR 2
Rik van Kesteren.NED 2
Francis Stalpers.NED 2
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 2
16. Dick Pluim.NED 1

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-07 14:27:16 UTC
The men’s first 1000 m was pretty predictable, with all participants predicting the correct winner. HÃ¥kon MÞrk and Dick Pluim had excellent time predictions and win the distance. 6 of us had good ones and share the bronze.

Overall sprint after day 1:

1. Håkon MÞrk.NOR 10 (+1)
2. Tim Wolfkamp.NED 9 (-1)
3. Bert Steghuis.NED 8 (0)
4. Carool van Kesteren.NED 7 (-1)
Harm van den Belt.NED 7 (-1)
Brynjar Haarberg.NOR 7 (+2)
Gerrit Stevens.NED 7 (+2)
Marcel Warnaar.NED 7 (+2)
Nils Meland.NOR 7 (+2)
Rik van Kesteren.NED 7 (+2)
Dick Pluim.NED 7 (+2)
12. Brigt BÞ.NOR 6 (-6)
Jos Kloppenborg.NED 6 (-6)
Ivo van Bommel.NED 6 (-6)
Francis Stalpers.NED 6 (-6)
Knut Egil Gundersen.NOR 6 (-6)

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
'Brynjar Haarberg' brynjar.haarberg@haugnett.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-02 12:39:23 UTC
If for example a skater A is qualified for the 10 000 m, but doesn't skate it and is replaced by skater B, he (A) will get the 9.place in the official overall rankings.

But where to put him in this prediction championship....?

B. Haarberg.

SÞndag 1. Januar 2017 14:15 CET skrev "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com>:

> Happy New Year!
> I invite you hereby to the 2017 European Championship Prediction Championship, which is, if my records are correct, the 20th edition. Possibly there were precursors on the Uni-Koeln list, but not in the same format and not arranged or at least recorded by me.
> To participate, predict the distance winners and times, the top 8 overall and the further 4 that you predict would qualify for the final distance if the rules had allowed it, which is not identical to the 9-12 overall list, where the points include the 500 m but not the longest distance.
> You can predict the European Sprint Championship, too, if you wish. I will calculate points in the traditional system separately from the allround competition.
> Predictions must be communicated to me before the first pair starts on Friday. You may change your predictions as many times as you like before that.
> Here is an example prediction:
> WÃŒst 39,28
> WÃŒst 1.54,66
> Sáblíková 4.01,31
> Sáblíková 6.53,86
> 1. Sáblíková
> 2. WÃŒst
> 3. de Jong
> 4. Wijfje
> 5. Pechstein
> 6. Graf
> 7. Jurakova
> 8. Voronina
> 9. Njåtun
> 10. Czerwonka
> 11. Złotkowska
> 12. Kraus
> Juskov 35,54
> Juskov 1.45,05
> Kramer 6.13,33
> Kramer 12.55,15
> 1. Pedersen
> 2. Kramer
> 3. Roest
> 4. Swings
> 5. Blokhuijsen
> 6. Juskov
> 7. Henriksen
> 8. Giovannini
> 9. Szymański
> 10. Tumolero
> 11. Contin
> 12. Beckert
> Good luck!
> And by the way, I’d like to promote some statistical books of mine that may be of some help to you when you watch the championship or try to predict its outcome:
> http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/AOS/AOS2017.shtml
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-02 12:54:47 UTC
> 2. jan. 2017 kl. 13.39 skreiv 'Brynjar Haarberg' ***@haugnett.no [Speed_skating] <***@yahoogroups.com>:
> If for example a skater A is qualified for the 10 000 m, but doesn't skate it and is replaced by skater B, he (A) will get the 9.place in the official overall rankings.
> But where to put him in this prediction championship

According to the rules, I calculate the 1500 + 5000 samalogs for all the skaters that didn’t qualify for the 10000 m and put the 4 best in places 9 to 12. BTW, your skater will not always get the 9th place in the official overall rankings.

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
'Brynjar Haarberg' brynjar.haarberg@haugnett.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-02 16:53:57 UTC
Hm, that answered my question, I guess: Skater A will be ranked together with the other skaters that doesn't skate more than three distances.

But it raised another question: At first, you said that we should pick "the further 4 that you predict would qualify for the final distance if the rules had allowed it".

Now, you tell us to pick the 4 best 1500+5000 samalogs, out of all those who don't race the 10 000 m?

Which of those two "pick of 4" should we do?


Mandag 2. Januar 2017 13:54 CET skrev "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com>:

> > 2. jan. 2017 kl. 13.39 skreiv 'Brynjar Haarberg' ***@haugnett.no [Speed_skating] <***@yahoogroups.com>:
> >
> > If for example a skater A is qualified for the 10 000 m, but doesn't skate it and is replaced by skater B, he (A) will get the 9.place in the official overall rankings.
> >
> > But where to put him in this prediction championship
> According to the rules, I calculate the 1500 + 5000 samalogs for all the skaters that didn’t qualify for the 10000 m and put the 4 best in places 9 to 12. BTW, your skater will not always get the 9th place in the official overall rankings.
> hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
> http://forhundrearsidaidag.blogspot.com
> http://ordordordordordord.blogspot.com
> Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
> Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
> Alt om skÞyter:
> http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/AOS/AOS2017.shtml
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-02 17:19:34 UTC
> 2. jan. 2017 kl. 17.53 skreiv 'Brynjar Haarberg' ***@haugnett.no [Speed_skating] <***@yahoogroups.com>:
> Hm, that answered my question, I guess: Skater A will be ranked together with the other skaters that doesn't skate more than three distances.
> But it raised another question: At first, you said that we should pick "the further 4 that you predict would qualify for the final distance if the rules had allowed it".
> Now, you tell us to pick the 4 best 1500+5000 samalogs, out of all those who don't race the 10 000 m?

No, that’s not quite what I said. Or I think I made a mistake in my previous mail. What the particpants are to do is to pick the further 3 that you predict would qualify for the final distance if the rules had allowed it. When I score the predictions, I will find the 4 skaters who would have qualified for the last distance with their actual times if the rules had allowed it, and rank them 9 to 12 according to the 1500 + 5000 (3000) samalogs in order to be able to score your predictions. This has been the procedure ever since the final fields were thinned down to 8.

Best greetings,

from Redalsgrend, where Selene looks like she will catch up Aphrodite in not too long...
'mwarnaar@planet.nl' mwarnaar@planet.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-03 13:45:32 UTC

I wish you all a very good year in which you can fulfill some of your wishes!

The links that Lars mentions cannot be the final qualification status, as they miss the results ot the Heerenveen World Cup. Strange that the ISU does not communicate the final status on its website.

We collected the following probable particpants:

EK sprint ladies:
NED (3): Jorien ter Mors, Marrit Leenstra, Sanneke de Neeling
RUS (3): Olga Fatkulina, Jekaterina Lobysjeva, Jekaterina Sjikhova
NOR (3): Hege BÞkko, Martine Ripsrud, ---
CZE (2): Karolina Erbanova, Natalie Kerschbaummayr???.
POL (2): Kaja Ziomek, Andzjelika Wojcick
ITA (2): Francesca Bettrone, ---
AUT (1): Vanessa Herzog
GER (1): Gabriele Hirschbichler, Roxanne Dufter???.
FIN (1): Elina Risku
BLR (1): Tatjana Mikhajlova
ROU (1): Alexandra Ianculescu

EK sprint men:
RUS (3): Ruslan Murasjov, Aleksej Jesin, Mikhail Kazelin
NED (3): Kai Verbij, Kjeld Nuis, Ronald Mulder
FIN (3): Mika Poutala, Pekka Koskela, Samuli Suomalainen
POL (3): Sebastian Klosinski, Artur Nogal, Piotr Michalski

GER (2): Nico Ihle, Denny Ihle
NOR (2): HÃ¥vard Lorentzen, Espen Hvammen
ITA (2): Luca Zanghellini, Mirko Nenzi
BLR (1): Ignat Golovatjuk
EST (1): Marten Liiv
SWE (1): David Andersson
SUI (1): Christian Oberbichler
HUN (1): Konrad Nagy. Or allround? Or both?
BEL (1): Mathias Vosté
BEL (nr. 2): Bart Swings???
AUT (1): Armin Hager

EK allround ladies
NED (3): Ireen WÃŒst, Antoinette de Jong, Yvonne Nauta
RUS (3): Anna Jurakova, Olga Graf, Natalja Voronina
POL (3): Natalia Czerwonka, Katarzyna Wozniak, Katarzyna Bachleda Curus
NOR (3): Ida Njåtun, Ellen Bjertnes, Sofie Karoline Haugen
CZE (2): Martina Sablikova, Nikola Zdrahalova
ITA (1): Francesca Lollobrigida
GER (1): Claudia Pechstein
BLR (1): Marina Zujeva
BEL (1): Jelena Peeters
EST (1): Saskia Alusalu
DEN (1): Elena MÞller-Rigas
AUT (1): Viola Feichtner

EK allround men
NED (3): Sven Kramer, Jan Blokhuijsen, Douwe de Vries
NOR (3): Sverre Lunde Pedersen, Sindre Henriksen, Simen Spieler Nilsen
ITA (3): Andrea Giovannini, Davide Ghiotto, Nicola Tumolero
RUS (3): Daniil Sinitsin, Sergej Trofimov, Denis Juskov
POL (2): Jan Szymanski, Konrad Niedzwiedzki
BEL (1): Bart Swings
FRA (1): --- (no Contin)
SWE (1): Nils van der Poel
BLR (1): Vitalij Mikhajlov
DEN (1): Viktor Hald Thorup
SUI (1): Martin HÀnggi (Livio Wenger not at preliminary entries)
AUT (1): Linus Heidegger
CZE (1): Sebastian Druszkiewicz
HUN (1): Konrad Nagy (or sprint????)
LAT (1): --- (Haralds Silovs not at preliminary entries)


>----Origineel Bericht----
>Van : ***@yahoogroups.com
>Datum : 03/01/2017 14:11
>Aan : ***@yahoogroups.com
>Onderwerp : Re: [Skate] The 2017 Ortygia European Championship Prediction Championship
>This time with functional links:
>Qualified skaters allround: http://static.isu.org/media/430084/qualification-status-ladies-and-men-allround-essc2017.pdf
>And sprint: http://static.isu.org/media/430081/qualification-status-ladies-and-men-sprint-essc2017.pdf
>Final participants will be announced later.
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-04 09:21:39 UTC
Participants lists are ready now: http://www.schaatsen.nl/branded-content/ech-allround-sprint-2017-official-site/competitors-startlists-and-results/

And Norwegian recipients may still be able to get «Alt om skÞyter» as your championship companion if you order now!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Brigt Bø brigtbo@online.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-05 21:11:49 UTC
My predictions:

Allround Ladies:

1. Sablikova

2. Wust

3. de Jong

4. Nauta

5. Graf

6. Czerwonka

7. Lollobrigida

8. Pechstein

9. Yurakova

10. Njåtun

11. Wozniak

12. Bachleda-Corus

500: Wust 38,80

3000: Sablikova 4,01,50

1500: Wust 1,55,10

5000: Sablikova 6,54,10

Allround Men:

1. Kramer

2. Blokhuijsen

3. Pedersen

4. Swings

5. Giovannini

6. de Vries

7. Szymanski

8. Thorup

9. Yuskov

10. Henriksen

11. Tumolero

12. Nilsen

500: Yuskov 36,10

5000: Kramer: 6,11,10

1500: Yuskov 1,45,90

10000: Kramer: 12,58,01

Sprint Ladies:

1. Ter Mors

2. Leenstra

3. Herzog

4. Erbanova

5. BÞkko

6. Fatkulina

7. Lobysjeva

8. Hirschbichler

9. Shikhova

10. Neeling

11. Dufter

12. Ripsrud

500: Erbanova 38,10

1000: Ter Mors 1,15,10

500: Leenstra 38,13

1000: Ter Mors 1,14,90

Sprint Men:

1. Nuis

2. Verbij

3. Murasjov

4. R. Mulder

5. N. Ihle

6. Lorentzen

7. Poutala

8. Yesin

9. Hvammen

10. Nenzi

11. Klosinski

12. Michalski

500: Murasjov 34,60

1000: Nuis 1,08,15

500: Murasjov 34,65

1000: Nuis 1,08,20

Looking forward for the competition – for me through TV this time.

I will be in Hamar on VM though
. J


Fra: ***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:***@yahoogroups.com]
Sendt: 4. januar 2017 10:22
Til: ***@yahoogroups.com
Emne: Re: [Skate] The 2017 Ortygia European Championship Prediction Championship

Participants lists are ready now: http://www.schaatsen.nl/branded-content/ech-allround-sprint-2017-official-site/competitors-startlists-and-results/

And Norwegian recipients may still be able to get «Alt om skÞyter» as your championship companion if you order now!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
erbini@yahoo.com [Speed_skating]
2017-01-05 01:58:58 UTC

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

On Wednesday, January 4, 2017 11:06 AM, "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Participants lists are ready now: http://www.schaatsen.nl/branded-content/ech-allround-sprint-2017-official-site/competitors-startlists-and-results/

And Norwegian recipients may still be able to get «Alt om skÞyter» as your championship companion if you order now!

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:

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'Brynjar Haarberg' brynjar.haarberg@haugnett.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-05 05:53:03 UTC
My suggestions:


1. Kramer
2. Blokhuijsen
3. Swings
4. Pedersen
5. D de Vries
6. Giovannini
7. Sinitsyn
8. Szymanski
9. Juskov
10. Henriksen
11. Tumolero
12. Thorup

Juskov 35,98
Kramer 6.15,50
Juskov 1.46,48
Kramer 13.05,00

1. Sablikova
2. WÃŒst
3. De Jong
4. Pechstein
5. Nauta
6. Graf
7. Jurakova
8. Czerwonka
9. Lollobrigida
10. Njåtun
11. Zdrhalova
12. Peeters

WÃŒst 39,58
Sablikova 4.03,50
WÃŒst 1.55,45
Sablikova 6.53,00


1. Nuis
2. Verbij
3. Murasjov
4. N Ihle
5. Lorentzen
6. R Mulder
7. Poutala
8. Jesin
9. Klosinski
10. Koskela
11. Kazelin
12. Michalski

Murasjov 35,07
Nuis 1.08,58
Murasjov 35,03
Nuis 1.08,49

1. Ter Mors
2. Leenstra
3. Fatkulina
4. Erbanova
5. BÞkko
6. Herzog
7. Sjikova
8. Lobysjeva
9. De Neeling
10. Hirschbichler
11. Dufter
12. Ripsrud

Ter Mors 38,25
Ter Mors 1.15,84
Ter Mors 38,25
Ter Mors 1.15,84

SÞndag 1. Januar 2017 14:15 CET skrev "Lars Finsen ***@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]" <***@yahoogroups.com>:

> Happy New Year!
> I invite you hereby to the 2017 European Championship Prediction Championship, which is, if my records are correct, the 20th edition. Possibly there were precursors on the Uni-Koeln list, but not in the same format and not arranged or at least recorded by me.
> To participate, predict the distance winners and times, the top 8 overall and the further 4 that you predict would qualify for the final distance if the rules had allowed it, which is not identical to the 9-12 overall list, where the points include the 500 m but not the longest distance.
> You can predict the European Sprint Championship, too, if you wish. I will calculate points in the traditional system separately from the allround competition.
> Predictions must be communicated to me before the first pair starts on Friday. You may change your predictions as many times as you like before that.
> Here is an example prediction:
> WÃŒst 39,28
> WÃŒst 1.54,66
> Sáblíková 4.01,31
> Sáblíková 6.53,86
> 1. Sáblíková
> 2. WÃŒst
> 3. de Jong
> 4. Wijfje
> 5. Pechstein
> 6. Graf
> 7. Jurakova
> 8. Voronina
> 9. Njåtun
> 10. Czerwonka
> 11. Złotkowska
> 12. Kraus
> Juskov 35,54
> Juskov 1.45,05
> Kramer 6.13,33
> Kramer 12.55,15
> 1. Pedersen
> 2. Kramer
> 3. Roest
> 4. Swings
> 5. Blokhuijsen
> 6. Juskov
> 7. Henriksen
> 8. Giovannini
> 9. Szymański
> 10. Tumolero
> 11. Contin
> 12. Beckert
> Good luck!
> And by the way, I’d like to promote some statistical books of mine that may be of some help to you when you watch the championship or try to predict its outcome:
> http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/AOS/AOS2017.shtml
'Gerrit Stevens' gerstenat@hetnet.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-05 16:29:31 UTC
My suggestions:

1. Kramer

2. Swings
3. Blokhuijsen
4. D. de Vries
5. Pedersen
6. Giovannini
7. Sinitsyn
8. Szymanski
9. Juskov
10. Henriksen
11. Tumolero
12. Thorup

Juskov 35,59
Kramer 6.14,17
Juskov 1.45,41
Kramer 12.5359

1. WÃŒst

2. Sablikova
3. De Jong
4. Graf
5. Nauta
6. Lollobrigida
7. Czerwonka
8. Njåtun

9. Pechstein

10. Jurakova
11. Zdrhalova
12. Peeters

WÃŒst 39,37
Sablikova 4.01,90
WÃŒst 1.55,34
Sablikova 6.57,64


1. Verbij
2. Murashov
3. N. Ihle

4. Nuis
5. Lorentzen

6. Poutala
7. R Mulder
8. Jesin
9. Klosinski
10. Koskela
11. Nenzi
12. Michalski

Murasjov 34,50
Nuis 1.08,48
Murasjov 34,52
Nuis 1.08,21

1. Ter Mors
2. Leenstra
3. Fatkulina
4. BÞkko

5. Erbanova
6. Herzog

7. Hirschbichler
8. De Neeling

9. Sjikhova

10. Lobysjeva
11. Dufter
12. Ripsrud

Fatkulina 38,12
Ter Mors 1.15,25
Fatkulina 38,10
Ter Mors 1.15,15

Gerrit Stevens
Lars Finsen lars.finsen@ortygia.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-05 18:41:01 UTC
Draws available: http://live.isuresults.eu/2016-2017/heerenveen-2/

I can't get you “Alt om skÞyter" in time for the championships now, but you can still have it, there are many copies left.

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
'Harm van den Belt' ha.vdbelt@gmail.com [Speed_skating]
2017-01-05 20:45:38 UTC
My predictions



1. WÃŒst
2. Sablikova
3. de Jong
4. NjÀtun
5. Nauta
6. Graf
7. Pechstein
8. Czerwonka
9. Bachleda-Curus
10. Lollobrigida
11. Peeters
12. Haugen

500 m WÃŒst 39.26
1500 m WÃŒst 1:57,22
3000 m Sablikova 3:59,55
5000 m Sablikova 7:00,12


1. Kramer
2. Swings
3. Blokhuijsen
4. Pedersen
5. de Vries
6. Giovaninni
7. Thorup
8. Szymanski
9. Yuskov (don’t want to ride 10 k)
10. Niedswiedski
11. van der Poel
12. Sinitsyn

500 m Yuskov 36,14
1500 m Swings 1:48,21
5000 m Kramer 6:12,87
10 k Kramer 12:54,54



1. ter Mors
2. Leenstra
3. Erbanova
4. Bokko
5. Herzog
6. de Neeling
7. Fatkolina
8. Shikova
9. Hirschbichler
10. Bettone
11. Dufter
12. Ripsrud

500 m ter Mors 38,32
1000 m ter Mors 1:15,12
500 m ter Mors 38,28
1000 m Leenstra 1:15,08


1. Verbij
2. Nuis
3. Morashov
4. N. Ihle
5. Yesin
6. Lorentzen
7. Poutala
8. R. Mulder
9. Koskala
10. Nenzi
11. Michalski

500 m Verbij 34,86
1000 m Nuis 1:08.02
500 m Verbij 34.92
1000 m Nuis 1:07,97

Let’s enjoy the races

Harm van den Belt

From: mailto:***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2017 7:41 PM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Skate] The 2017 Ortygia European Championship Prediction Championship

Draws available: http://live.isuresults.eu/2016-2017/heerenveen-2/

I can't get you “Alt om skÞyter" in time for the championships now, but you can still have it, there are many copies left.

hilsen Lars Finsen / www.ortygia.no
Uriania pages: http://www.ortygia.no/uriania/uriania-eng.htm
Oscar Diary: http://www.ortygia.no/Skoyter/Oscar/odfront.shtml
Alt om skÞyter:
Jos Kloppenborg jos.kloppenborg@ziggo.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-06 11:53:21 UTC
My predictions:

3.De Jong

WÃŒst 39.23

Sablikova 4.01.98

WÃŒst 1.55.90

Sablikova 6.54.38

5.De Vries

Yuskov 36.00

Kramer 6.12.78

Yuskov 1.45.20

Kramer 13.03.45

1.Ter Mors
5. Herzog
9.De Neeling

Ter Mors 38.25

Ter Mors 1.15.10

Fatkulina 38.12

Ter Mors 1.14.93


Murashov 34.68

Nuis 1.08.24

Murashov 34.69

Nuis 1.08.16


Jos Kloppenborg
'Nils Meland' nils.meland5@getmail.no [Speed_skating]
2017-01-06 16:27:06 UTC
My guess:

1. Sáblíková
2. WÃŒst
3. De Jong
4. Yurakova
5. Nauta
6. Pechtstein
7. Graf
8. Njåtun
9. Czerwonka
10. Zdráhalová
11. Lollobrigida
12. Bachleda-Curuś

WÃŒst 39,26
Sáblíková 4.03,13
WÃŒst 1.55,55
Sáblíková 6.55,52

1. Kramer
2. Swings
3. Blokhuijsen
4. Pedersen
5. De Vries
6. Yuskov
7. Giovannini
8. Sinitsyn
9. Tumolero
10. Szymański
11. Henriksen
12. Nilsen

Yuskov 35,97
Kramer 6.12.98
Yuskov 1.45,79
Kramer 12.58,16

1. Ter Mors
2. Leenstra
3. Fatkulina
4. Erbanová
5. BÞkko
6. Herzog
7. Hirschbichler
8. Shikhova
9. Lobysheva
10. De Neeling
11. Dufter
12. Ripsrud

Fatkulina 38,07
Leenstra 1.15,05
Ter Mors 38,12
Ter Mors 1.14,74

1. Verbij
2. Nuis
3. Murashov
4. N. Ihle
5. Lorentzen
6. Poutala
7. Mulder
8. Yesin
9. Kłosiński
10. Koskela
11. Kazelin
12. Hvammen

Murashov 34,67
Nuis 1.08,70
Murashov 34,65
Verbij 1.08,44

Nils Meland
Tim Wolfkamp tim.wolfkamp@ziggo.nl [Speed_skating]
2017-01-05 21:14:28 UTC
1. Kramer

2. Swings

3. Pedersen

4. Blokhuijsen

5. D. de Vries

6. Giovannini

7. Henriksen

8. Szymanski

9. Yuskov

10. Tumolero

11. Niedzwiedzki

12. Sinitsyn

Yuskov 35.79

Kramer 6.15.45

Yuskov 1.45.24

Kramer 12.57.89

1. WÃŒst

2. Sablikova

3. De Jong

4. Graf

5. Nauta

6. Yurakova

7. Lollobrigida

8. Czerwonka

9. Pechstein

10. Njatun

11. Zdrahalova

12. Bachleda-Curus

WÃŒst 39.41

WÃŒst 4.02.72

WÃŒst 1.56.04

Sablikova 6.57.54

1. Verbij

2. Nuis

3. Murashov

4. N. Ihle

5. Poutala

6. Lorentzen

7. Mulder

8. Michalski

9. Klosinski

10. Koskela

11. Yesin

12. Hvammen

Mulder 34.71

Nuis 1.08.32

Murashov 34.58

Nuis 1.08.09

1. Ter Mors

2. Leenstra

3. Fatkulina

4. Erbanova

5. BÞkko

5. Herzog

7. De Neeling

8. Hirschbichler

9. Dufter

10. Shikhova

11. Lobysheva

12. Ripsrud

Ter Mors 38.08

Ter Mors 1.14.99

Ter Mors 38.23

Ter Mors 1.14.65

Have fun!
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